Lisa Clague

About the Artist

The textural ceramics of Lisa Clague arouse wonderment and otherworldliness. Clague lists Hieronymus Bosch, Frida Kahlo, Louise Bourgeois, Hans Bellmer, and the Surrealists as her inspirations. Her three-dimensional sculptures and wall hangings examine inner journeys, oftentimes influenced by her dreams. Animals -- monkeys, rabbits, and deer -- often accompany her central figures. 

"My work evokes a place between the subconscious and the intangible. My hybrid figures have been influenced by prehistoric art, the "Great Mother" figurines from the Neolithic period, the animal-headed figures from the rock shelter of La Madeleine and also the bird headed Egyptian Goddesses and archaic Greek Kouros figures."  - Lisa Clague


Carlos Solis


Trudi Norris